How do you say butt crack in another language?
2006-05-29 21:58:30 UTC
How do you say butt crack in another language?
Six answers:
2006-05-29 22:08:13 UTC
If I understand tihs expression correctly, the french equivalents would be : pêter la rondelle, casser les pattes arrières, prendre les fesses...

French language is soooo rich
Your Royal Highness- Tiger!
2006-06-01 22:12:05 UTC
The French also understand.. L'Asshole et La Chienstylo(doggystyle)..Holla! Au Revoir!
2006-05-30 04:59:42 UTC
Kulha in Punjabi.
2006-05-31 06:38:59 UTC
just like jmmesiac said, french is a rich language: trou de qu (troo du kou)
2006-05-30 05:08:06 UTC
crackus buttus

booty chute

runs a buns
2006-05-30 04:58:51 UTC
el asso cracko = spanish

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